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GESIS Notebooks

Frequently Asked Questions

GESIS Notebooks Overview

Who can use this service?

This service is intended for use by social scientists. You can build and launch all binder-ready projects without logging in.

Is the service free?

The service is free for social scientists.

What languages/environments can be on the service? Can I use my preferred R, Julia or Python environment?

You can select any language/environment available as binder-ready projects. A collection of binder-ready examples is available at

What are the service's restrictions?

For the anonymous use, the service has a limit of:

Usage rights are limited to academic activities and governed by our Terms of Use.

I have a question or have found a bug. Where can I open up an Issue?

For questions regarding Jupyter or the Binder import, join the discussion, read the docs or see the code. Please open an issue on our GitHub repository for questions regarding GESIS Notebooks. We are looking forward to hearing from you.

If possible, please include:

Can I host my own version of this platform?

The project is open-source and the code is available at It is based on

Where can I create a JupyterHub API token?

You can use token request page to create a JupyterHub API token. You can also read more about the JupyterHub API in the JupyterHub docs, how to make an API request and the different ways you can use the API.

Binder Project Import

What is Binder?

Binder is an open-source project that enables the creation of shareable, interactive, reproducible scientific analysis environments. You can read more about Binder here.

Where can I find binder-ready projects?

The Binder Federation maintains a collection of binder-ready examples is available at

How can I make my Notebooks binder-ready?

For more information about making a Notebook binder-ready, take a look at the binder user guide.

How can I create a direct launch link for my notebooks?

Just like, you can create a direct launch link for a notebook repository. The URL is something like with appropriate 'github_account_name', 'repository_name' and 'commit_id' (usually "HEAD").